vegetables 英语造句,英语造句,解释单词和造句子意思。初一求简单。helpful

vegetables 英语造句

1、vegetables 英语造句

We've grown many vegetables in our garden. 我们在花园里种了许多蔬菜 These vegetables are fresh from our garden. 这些蔬菜是刚从我们的菜园摘下的。



Helpful有帮助的,有益的,有用的,乐于助人的。 Eating vegetable is helpful for our health. 吃蔬菜对我们的健康有益。



1 he plays basketball every day. 2 As the football match was in progress, we kept cheering on him. 足球赛进行时,我们不断地喊叫,为他加油。 3 I've slept quite a bit during the past few days. 我过去几天睡的很多. 4 Of course I remember him. 我当然记得他。 5 i'll be a doctor when i grow up.我长大了要到医生。 6 he arrived in China last night.他昨天晚上到了中国。 7.he plays against with me 他和我打对抗赛 8I'm bland for you for long time.我很久对你没感觉了。 9he met me the day after tomorrow 他前天看见我了 10.i'll leave for Beijing 我要去北京 11 he gose shopping twice a week 他每周去超市两次 12. he is good at singing 他擅长唱歌 13 He is trying to break the record 他尽力打破纪录 14 he has played football for half an hour 他已经踢了半个小时的足球了 15 he took part in Lily's party. 他参加了丽丽的聚会 16he will go hiking. 他要去远足 17 he traveled all over the world last week.上周他环游完了世界 18 vegetable is good for your health.蔬菜有益健康 19 you must keep healthy 你必须保持健康 20 she has prepared for dinner他已经准备好晚饭了 21 同上 22 the environment will be more terrible in the furture将来环境会变得更糟 23 you do not have to win the first place 你不需要得第1。 24.I hope that you shall write back soon 我希望你尽快给我回信 25 how to keep fit?怎样保持健康? 26 My eating habits are pretty good 我饮食习惯很合理。



1、would like to: [想要] 1. I would like to take a trip around the world toward the end of this year. 我想在今年底环游世界。 2. I would like to have a word with you. 我想同你说句话。 3. The teacher said that he would like to choose an assistant among us. 老师说他将要从我们中选1个人作他的助手。 4. The management would like to thank the staff for being so cooperative. 资方要感谢全体员工的通力合作。 5. I would like to emphasize that we are ready to meet the management at any time. 我想着重指出,我们愿意在任何时候与管理部门会谈。6. Many people would like to take holidays abroad. 许多人愿意到国外度假。 7. I would like to quote two extracts from the book. 我很想引用这本书的两段文字。8. It seems to me that be would like to go back home. 我觉得他好象想要回家。9. Others would like to do so. 其他政府也许会愿意这么做。10. We would like to recoup. 我们会补偿损失。 11. " "I would like to go. 「我想要跟你1道去。12. I would like to follow your direction. 我心甘情愿跟随你的方向。 13. I would like to study,and not study to live. 我愿意为了学习而活着,不愿意为了活着而学习。 14. All would like to thank you, my dear mother! 这1切要感谢您,我亲爱的母亲!15. I would like to endorse any choice you make. 我愿意认可你做出的任何选择。 16. He would like to know more about this disease. 他想知道关于这种疾病更多的知识。 17. She would like to complete her plan at any cost. 她愿意不惜任何代价来完成自己的计划。 18. She would like to cost anything to finish her plan. 她愿意不惜任何代价来完成自己的计划。 19. I would like to live to study, and not study to live. 我愿意为了学习而活着,不愿意为了活着而学习。20. Yes,he understands me and would like to be my reference. 他知道,他能理解我并愿意做我的介绍人。 21. I would like to ask your opinion about the time schedule . 我想问您1下关于这个日程安排有何意见。22. I would like to open an IRA (Individual Retirement Account). 我想开立1个个人退休帐户。 23. If you would like to support future work, please contact us. 如果您愿意用来支持未来工作,请与我们联系。24. All the teenagers would like to spend time with their friends. 所有的青少年都愿意和朋友们共度时光。 25. Now I would like to tell you how to solve the problem, my dear friends. 我亲爱的朋友们,现在我想要告诉你怎样解决这些问题, 26. I would like to see us attract some top class talent before the season begins. 在季节开始之前,我想要见我们吸引1些顶端班级才能。 27. With his permission, I would like to discuss the military potential of this vehicle. 征得他的同意,笔者愿意探讨-下这种运载工具的军事潜力。 28. Do you have such flanges on stock? Because we would like to see also your standard flanges. 你们库存还有这些法兰产品吗?因为我们也想看看贵司的标准法兰件。29. If you spot something that you would like to purchase, never allow yourself to purchase it on the spot. 如果你发现了自己想买的东西,千万不要允许自己在当场就将其买下。 30. We are not here for saying to them what they would like to hear but for which you you need to hear desperately. 我们来这里不是为了对他们叙述什么,他们将希望倾听,但是因为你们失望,使得你们需要倾听。

2、 be keen on: [渴望] 1. So you must be keen on pop music. 那么你1定喜欢流行音乐了。 2. I'm be keen on computer. 我热中于电脑。 3. Tom was saying you might be keen on yoga. 汤姆说你可能爱好瑜伽功。 4. In fact, to be keen on science is fun forever. 实际上,热衷于科学,其本身就是其乐无穷的。 5. They tend to be keen on volume of effort and overlook efficiency. 他们倾向于努力的量而忽略了效率。 6. , for I don’t like to be keen on all daylong, we have lives by ourselves. 让我实在不得不重新抉择很多事情比如学生会和党员..我是否该放弃?7. Javier Saviola is said to be keen on a switch to Manchester City Football Club. “兔子”萨维奥拉透露很可能转会曼城。8. He would also be keen on visiting your Office / Factory / Warehouse if you intend to do so. 如你们有此合作意向,他也会非常乐意拜访贵公司。 9. If the stock market a bad market, regulators will not be keen on promoting the brokerage listing. 如果证券市场行情不好,监管部门也不会热衷于推动券商上市。” 10. Of course, not everyone is going to be keen on vegetables and treats from foreign lands.Kids, for example. 当然并非所有人都对蔬菜和异国风味充满兴趣--比如说孩子们。11. Newly-promoted Lecce are also rumoured to be keen on Samaras as they plan for life in Serie A next season. 此外,传闻莱切也在关注着萨马拉斯,他们正在为下赛季的意甲积极准备。 12. Instructors must be keen on learning, good at communicating, courageous in undertaking and brave in innovating. 师者,必乐于学习,善于沟通,敢于承担,勇于创新。 13. And the braver among them will be keen on the expectation that the children take responsibility for their own progress. 他们热切地期待学生可以为他们自己的进步做主。 14. Liverpool are thought to be monitoring Owen's situation with the player widely believed to be keen on a return to Anfield. 利物浦貌似1直在关注欧文的动向,他也被广泛认为愿意回归安菲尔德。 15. Milan would be keen on acquiring him at that price after again failing to land the right-back before the start of this season. 在夏季购买失败后,米兰将很乐意在2007年以200万的价格带走这名右后卫。 16. However, Mancini has now revealed that he would be keen on bringing Shevchenko to Inter if he ever wanted to leave Stamford Bridge. 但是,曼奇尼现在已经表明1旦舍甫琴柯打算离开斯坦福桥,他很希望将舍甫琴柯带到国际米兰。 17. The Master said,“……Be keen on and fond of learning,seek advice modestly from anyone,including those who are even lower than oneself。” 孔子说:“……(这个人)不但有聪明智慧,而且又爱好学习,他对于任何人都能虚心求教。”18. The Frenchman's future has been the subject of intense speculation all summer with a number of clubs thought to be keen on signing him. 这个法国人的未来整个夏天都转会市场上的话题,有很多球队杯认为1直坚持要签下他。 19. In "REDISCOVERING CHINA" Li Lin has taken down these words: I really like to lounge in the street and look around, even more to be keen on discovering. 李琳在《金发碧眼看中国》中写道:我实在是喜欢走街串巷地东瞧瞧西看看,更热衷于去发现。 20. For this, I feel enough for the term but his is also the time that I decided to be keen on studies from the beginning of the next term till the very end. 我家长总是埋怨我说把学习都耽误了,可我还是义无返顾地投身于学生会之中。

3、 tell sb about sth (告诉某人某事) 1.Tell me about yourself and your past experience. 说说你自己和你过去的经历。 2.Please write and tell me about your life in China. 请写信告诉我你在中国的1些生活情况。 3.He tell us about the accident in details. 他详细地把事故讲给我们听。 4.Pleading with the cop to hurry, they tell him about how their daughters are in danger. 他们告知了那名警察,他们的女儿处境危险,恳求他能快点处理。

4、 work as: [充当] [担当] 1. Let's have a clear no-nonsense agreement to start work as soon as possible. 让我们达成切实可行的协议以尽快开始工作. 2. Critics praised the work as highly original. 评论家们称赞该作品独树1帜. 3. She did twice as much work as her brother. 她干的工作比她弟弟干的多1倍.4. The poor woman went to work as usual. 那可怜的女人照常去上班。 5. The girls are as busy with their work as bees. 这些女孩子就跟蜜蜂1样忙着工作。 6. Willing to learn and work as a team. 良好的学习意愿和团队合作精神。 7. Work as though you don't need money. 投入工作吧,就像你根本不需要钱。 8. Jack: First of all, what do you work as? 杰克:首先我想问下,你的工作是什么呢?9. The critics hailed his work as a masterpiece. 评论家们认定他的作品为杰作。 10. Just go about your work as if nothing had happened. 只管干你的工作,就象什么事也没有发生过。 11. Rest belongs to the work as the eyelids to the eyes. 休息从属于工作,正像眼睑之对于眼睛。 12. If a man is to succeed, he must work as hard as he can.帮... 如果1个人想要获得成功,必须尽他所能地努力工作.13. Work as a team player and be willing to support other department. 作为团队的1员愿意支援其他部门,有团队合作精神。 14. I want to see us work as a team and spread across the United States. 我希望看到我们合作为1个团队,并且发展遍及全美国。 15. They live in rural poverty, many work as rat catchers in farm fields. 他们生活在城市的贫困地区,大部分人以在田地捕老鼠为生。16. Most plan to attend college, and many aspire to work as professionals. 许多人计划上大学,许多人渴望做专业的工作。17. This is because each bee has a very specific role, but together they work as a unit. 这是因为每1只蜜蜂都有各自的职责,而协同起来工作它们就是1个整体。 18. To perform opening and closing procedures established for the place of work as assigned. 根据规定的工作地点完成日常开门营业和关门打烊的程序。 19. The excavation work as the first step in the Stonehenge archaeologists dug a deep ditch house. 作为此次挖掘工作的第1步,考古学家在巨石阵内部开凿了1条深沟。 20. [Interviewer clarification: Work includes paid and unpaid work as well as course work. Include all jobs. [面试者阐明:工作包括有偿工作,无偿工作和功课.包括所有工作.21. Local businesses may object to a longer school year because students are unable to work as long at summer jobs. 当地的商业可能会反对1个长时间的学年因为那样学生将无法在夏天从事工作。 22. We work as usual days,but our labor suddenly devaluated,down to be a situation that even pork has become a luxury. 我们每天还是同样奔波工作,但是突然之间我们的劳动力就贬了值,连吃猪肉都变成了奢侈…… 23. It is a faithful image of urban reality, even if the author regards his work as a "walk between reality and fiction". 这是1幅真实都市的可信的画面,尽管作者认为自己的作品“在真实与虚构之间行走。” 24. You have as much right to be concerned about your future work as the interviewer has about your ability to do the job. 面试者有权了解你是否有做好这份工作的能力,你同样有权利关心自己未来的工作。

5、own: [有] [拥有] [特有的] [自己的] [承认]1. He can be left to work on his own. 工作可交给他1个人去做。 2. Nobody owned up to the theft. 这件偷窃事没有人承认是自己干的。3. Although her father is in the firm she got the job on her own. 尽管她父亲在公司里,但她那份工作却是靠自己得到的。4. She makes all her own clothes. 她的衣服都是自己做的。 5. Children need toys of their own. 儿童需要有自己的玩具。 6. Who owns this house? 谁拥有这座房子?7. Your life is your own affair. 你的生活是你自己的事。 8. He owns he was wrong. 他承认他错了。 9. They have what you want to own. 你想要的任何东西他们都有。 10. I like writing with my own pen. 我喜欢用自己的钢笔写字。



在英语学习中,如果动词作主语,往往用动词的现在分词形式或者用动词不定式作主语。如:(1)多吃蔬菜对我们的健康有好处。Eating too many vegetables is good for our health.或者:To eat too many vegetables is good for our health.(2)清早读英语是学好英语的1种好方法。Reading English in the morning is a good way to learn English well.。



it's good to protect the environment. drinking milk is good for your health. tom is good at singing. there is few people in the hall i have a few freiends at school.。
