



1、 事故(n.) I saw an accident when I walked in the street.

2、 意外、偶然的事(n.) (accidentally)2. appear:

1、 出现 (vi) A ship appeared on the horizon. (disappear消失)

2、 好象, 似乎(vi) She appears to have many friends.3. apply:

1、 申请(for)(vi) ***.wang decided to apply for the job.

2、 运用、应用 (to)(vt.) Our teacher applies this teaching method to his class.4. arm 手臂 (n.) 武装 (v) Lay down your arms or we'll fire!放下武器,否则,我们就开枪了! Police say the man is armed with guns and very dangerous. 警察说该男子携有枪,十分危险。5. area:

1、 地区(n.) Do you like the area where you are living?

2、 面积(n.) The city covers an area of 30,000 square kilometer.6. ask (熟义:问)vt.要求 The teacher asked that all the students stay at the classroom. 老师要求所有学生呆在教室7. attend (熟义:出席) vt.参加;vi.看护,治疗Mr.Park attended a summer course.帕克先生参加1个暑期课程。If you go out,who'll attend to the baby?如果你走了,谁来照看婴儿?。



小学英语纯旅这1时期是孩子的语法、词汇及会话技能构建的关键时做友凳期;处于机械记忆告岩阶段,学得快忘的也很快,语言应用能力不强,所以平时要多练多背。   小学英语必背单词 。







1、take发音:英 [teɪk] 美 [teɪk] 意思:拿,取;带去;使达到;偷走;夺取;买下;订阅;吃,喝,服(药);减去;写下,记录;拍照;量取;就(座);以……为例;接受;接待;承受;遭受;(用某种方式)对待;理解,考虑;误认为;产生(某种感情或看法)。例:Betty took a photograph of us。贝蒂给我们拍了1张照片。

2、arrive发音:英 [əˈraɪv] 美 [əˈraɪv] 意思:到达;成功;达成;出生;(Arrive)人名;(法)阿里夫。例:Several long-awaited movies will finally arrive in the stores this month。几部期盼已久的影片最终将于本月在各家商店露面。

3、point发音:英 [pɔɪnt] 美 [pɔɪnt] 意思:要点;得分;标点;[机]尖端;指向;弄尖;加标点于;表明;指向;(法)普安。例:The following account will clearly illustrate this point。以下的陈述将清楚地阐明这1看法。

4、except发音:英 [ɪkˈsept] 美 [ɪkˈsept] 意思:除……外,不包括;除了,只是;要不是;不包括,把……排除在外。例:I wouldn't have accepted anything except a job in New York。我当时是不会接受1份除纽约以外任何其他地方的工作的。

5、table发音:英 [ˈteɪbl] 美 [ˈteɪbl] 意思:桌子,枱子;谈判桌;(就餐或玩牌等的)1桌人;1桌酒席,饭菜;(饭后)清理餐桌,整理餐桌;(饭前)摆放餐具;列表,1览表,表格;(竞赛等的)名次表,排名榜,积分表;乘法表。例:She was sitting at the kitchen table eating a peach。她正坐在餐桌旁吃着桃子。



1)学习用品 ruler pencil eraser crayon bag pen pencil box book schoolbag maths book English book Chinese book storybook notebook (2)颜色 red green yellow blue black brown white orange (3)身体部位 face ear eye nose mouth arm hand head body leg foot (4)动物 duck pig cat bear dog elephant monkey bird tiger panda horse cow sheep hen (5)食物 bread juice egg milk water cake fish rice candy beef chicken noodles soup vegetable tomato potato green beans carrot sandwich salad hamburger ice cream tea (6)数字、序数词 one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty first second third fourth fifth twelfth twentieth twenty-first(21st) twenty-third(23rd) thirtieth(30th) (7)国家名称 UK Canada USA China (8)人称称谓 father dad man woman mother brother sister grandpa grandma grandfather grandmother parents cousin uncle aunt (9)形容词 thin fat tall short long small big strong friendly quiet old young funny kind strict polite hard-working helpful clever shy cold cool warm hot sunny windy cloudy snowy rainy pretty expensive cheap nice healthy delicious sweet slow angry afraid sad worried happy more deep (10)介词 in on under in front of between above beside behind before by down left right (11)水果 pear apple orange banana watermelon strawberry grape (12)教室物品 classroom window blackboard light picture door teacher’s desk computer fan wall floor (13)房间及物品 bedroom living room study kitchen bathroom bed phone table sofa fridge chopsticks bowl fork knife spoon clock plant bottle water bottle photo (14)职业 doctor cook driver farmer nurse teacher student pupil worker postman businessman police officer scientist pilot coach (15)学校场所 first second teachers’ office library playground computer room art room music room (16)学科 English class music class PE class (17)1日3餐 breakfast lunch dinner (18)衣服鞋帽 clothes pants hat dress skirt coat sweater sock shorts jacket shirt glove scarf umbrella sunglasses (19)星期、4季、月份 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday spring summer autumn winter season January February March April May June July August September October November December (20)交通工具 bus taxi bike ship boat train plane subway on foot (21)自然、建筑 forest river lake mountain hill tree bridge building village house (22)人称代词: mine yours his hers their ours (23)单位名称 science museum post office bookstore cinema hospital factory (24)动词 swim draw dance cook sing take pick keep breath count wear climbing eating playing jumping drinking sleeping cycling (25)短语 play sports play football play basketball play ping-pong play the pipa do morning exercises do kung fu do homework wash my clothes sing English songs speak English draw cartoons watch TV read books see a doctor see a film talk quietly count to ten slow down had a cold eat breakfast eating lunch eat dinner have--- class reading a book listening to music clean my room pick apples make a snowman get up go to school go home go to bed go for a walk go shopping go cycling go on a picnic go swimming keep to the right keep your desk clean take a dancing class take turns take a trip take a deep breath took pictures next week comic book word book went camping。



