


My favourite recipe: Lotus root stewed spare ribsLotus root stewed spare ribs is a nutritious soup, main ingredient is the lotus root and spare ribs, the main cooking process is to boil. Lotus root and ribs with meat and vegetables can balance nutrition, which can be consumed as a tonic soup.Raw materials: Lotus root 200 g, spare ribs 300 g, 3 jujubes.Spices: onion 10 g, ginger 10 g, salt 8 g, pepper 5 g, cooking wine 10 g, cooking oil 30 ml.Production steps:Cut spare ribs into inch segment, and wash lotus root after using a knife scrape the surface of the bark.Put oil into the pot till the fragrant smoke from onion and ginger.Then fry the spare ribs into the pot and stir it, and put the cooking wine into the pot after the spare ribs changes colour.Take a pot, pour the fried spare ribs, fill water, then add the lotus root, dates, then add the lotus root block and jujube, after stirring to boil, switch to small simmer for one hour, and then add salt and pepper to taste.It can help to clear heat, cool blood, nourish yin, and it is also rich in nutrition. So I like it very much.我最爱的1道菜:莲藕排骨汤莲藕排骨汤十分有营养,主料是莲藕和排骨,主要制作方法是炖。莲藕排骨肉类和蔬菜可以平衡营养,可以作为滋补汤食用。原料:莲藕200克,排骨300克,3颗枣。调料:葱10克,姜10克,盐8克,胡椒粉5克,料酒10克,烹调油30毫升。制作步骤:把排骨切成段块,莲藕洗净后,用小刀刮去表面的皮。2.锅内放油,放入葱,姜,直到闻到香味。然后将排骨略炒下放入锅内,搅拌,并放入料酒,放入锅中后,直至排骨颜色发生变化。3.取1汤锅,倒入炸好的排骨,加满水,然后加入莲藕,红枣,然后添加藕块和红枣,搅拌,煮沸后,改用小火炖1小时,然后加入盐和胡椒。



Former people eat bread,meat,vegetables,never mix it up to ***.One day,a European people for no time to eat,so in between meat and vegetables to bread,and after tasting,found the meat and vegetables between bread to taste very good,so,bread to the meat and the food is between appeared in Europe.Then,a man from Hamburg,Germany,took it to the United States,so called Hamburg.Because taste good,easy to carry,so it was very popular,especially young people,and eventually Hamburg appears at the American streets and around the world。



节日:和全国都1样,过年吃饺子,放鞭炮,贴春联,串门什么的.晚上守岁之后还要吃1次饺子. 饮食:特色————当当当当~酸菜.这个是别的地方没有的.就是在入冬的时候买许多白菜(也有大头菜,但不如白菜好吃~),洗赶紧,放进缸里,撒上盐,密封.1直到1个月左右.东北人爱吃炖菜.因为天气冷.还有人参,鹿茸.这是特色嘛~东北菜量大,味道重.还有蘑菇,野菜.东北人喜欢吃面条,生蔬菜蘸大酱.最喜欢饺子.各种馅的.还有杀猪菜.比如血肠.杀猪菜都要用刚刚杀死的猪做.。
