


1.In a medium saucepan, melt butter over medium heat. Cook and stir almonds in butter until lightly toasted. Remove from heat, and let cool. 2.In a medium bowl, whisk together the sesame seeds, poppy seeds, sugar, onion, paprika, white wine vinegar, cider vinegar, and vegetable oil. Toss with spinach just before serving. 3.In a large bowl, combine the spinach with the toasted almonds and cranberries. 1,在1个平底锅中,中火加热使黄油融化。将杏仁在黄油中边煮边搅拌直至轻微的烤状。 起锅,放凉。 2,在1个中碗里,将芝麻、罂粟籽、糖、洋葱,红辣椒、白葡萄酒醋、苹果醋和植物油1起搅拌。 在上桌前放上菠菜。 3,在1个大碗中,将菠菜、烤杏仁和蔓越莓放1起。



First,check you have all the ***.You need lettuces,onions,butter and some tomatoes.Then Cut up the lettuces oinons and tomatoes.Then put those into a bowl and add some butter on a bowl.Finally,Mix them up. Now you can eat it. Be care,don't eat your fingers (注意.不要吃你的手) 累死我了。



蔬菜沙拉 Vegetable Salad;例句:1.We don't want a baby field green salad with poached pear vinaigrette, okay? 我们不想要蔬菜沙拉淋上洋梨醋, 好吗 ?2.She made a salad of crisp vegetables for a starter. 她制作了1个鲜脆蔬菜沙拉作为第1道菜。



蔬菜沙拉 Vegetable Salad; 例句: 1.We don't want a baby field green salad with poached pear vinaigrette, okay? 我们不想要蔬菜沙拉淋上洋梨醋, 好吗 ? 2.She made a salad of crisp vegetables for a starter. 她制作了1个鲜脆蔬菜沙拉作为第1道菜。

制作蔬菜沙拉 用英语怎么说

5、制作蔬菜沙拉 用英语怎么说

I have a cute brother.His name is Tom.He is 5yearsold this year.Although he is so young,he know 1000Chinese-word and 200English-word.And he can speak some easy speaking English.Sometimes he tell some fun story to others.he gets on well with everybody.Sometimes he help us to do some cleaning.。



蔬菜沙拉 Vegetable Salad; 例句: 1.We don't want a baby field green salad with poached pear vinaigrette, okay? 我们不想要蔬菜沙拉淋上洋梨醋, 好吗 ? 2.She made a salad of crisp vegetables for a starter. 她制作了1个鲜脆蔬菜沙拉作为第1道菜。
