用英语说沙拉的步骤,还有中文翻译,如何制作蔬菜沙拉(初2英语) How to make fruit sa



To make salad, first of all, you need to wash the vegetable or fruits. Then you need to cut them into pieces, and put the pieces into a clean container such as bowl. Finally, you need to add salad source into the bowl and well mix the pieces of vegetable or fr。

如何制作蔬菜沙拉(初2英语) How to make fruit sa

2、如何制作蔬菜沙拉(初2英语) How to make fruit sa

First,check you have all the ingredients.You need lettuces,onions,butter and some tomatoes.Then Cut up the lettuces oinons and tomatoes.Then put those into a bowl and add some butter on a bowl.Finally...。



1.In a medium saucepan, melt butter over medium heat. Cook and stir almonds in butter until lightly toasted. Remove from heat, and let cool. 2.In a medium bowl, whisk together the sesame seeds, poppy seeds, sugar, onion, paprika, white wine vinegar, cider vinegar, and vegetable oil. Toss with spinach just before serving. 3.In a。



First,check you have all the ingredients.You need lettuces,onions,butter and some tomatoes.Then Cut up the lettuces oinons and tomatoes.Then put those into a bowl and add some butter on a bowl.Finally,Mix them up. Now you can eat it. Be care,don't eat your fingers (注意.不要吃你的手) 累死我了。

怎样做蔬菜沙拉 ??用英语写的》。

5、怎样做蔬菜沙拉 ??用英语写的》。

Main ingredient: Mosaic lettuce, yulan food, red bell peppers, and thyme small tomato, purple cabbage, fabaceous seedling, purple leaf lettuce, corn kernels, onion Ingredients: thousand island salad sauce Vegetable salad practice 1, hua xie lettuce break into large pieces on the plate. 2, will yulan food evenly set before th。



蔬菜沙拉(1) 主料:胡萝卜、西芹嫩芽、青椒、黄椒、菜花、小红番茄 配料:沙拉酱 调料:盐、糖 制作: 1.将主料洗净、切块,根据个人喜好可以用开水烫1下,用冷水投凉 2.沙拉酱放少许盐和糖,拌匀 3.把沙拉酱浇在蔬菜上,或用蔬菜直接蘸食 特别关照:制作简单,好吃忣营养。 蔬菜沙拉(2) 基本材料 菠菜1000克,大葱、大蒜各50克,鲜薄荷叶4片,酸牛奶100克,柠檬汁10克,黑胡椒粉、精盐各适量。 制法:菠菜洗净后入沸水中烫熟,捞出挤干水分,切成碎末,大葱洗净,切成丝,大蒜去皮洗净后用刀拍碎,切成末,薄荷叶洗净切丝。柠檬汁、葱末、精盐和胡椒粉放入菠菜碗中,拌匀,再加酸牛奶和蒜,撒上薄荷丝即成。
